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Qynn Scott
生于 Michigan
20 years
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Looking through my old bins from high school today and I found a bunch of our old pictures and even a VHS, yes I said it VHS, of our senior homecoming. Oh how I hated cheer leading, but you made it fun and you wouldn't let me quit even though I was horrible at it! It reminded me of the days I would come to your house after practice and we would practice together outside of your basement sliding glass doors so that no one would see me!;) I hope that you had a wonderful Holiday! I know that you were here with me seeing my excitement as I watched Little Eddie stare at all of the lights and presents. I wish that you were here so you could meet him. You would love him! I don't get home much, but I have seen some recent picture of Paeton and she is so beautiful just like you! I cannot believe how big she has gotten. She is lucky to have you as a mother and her guardian angel. I Love & Miss you with all of my heart and not a day goes by that I don't think of all the fun we had! Keep smiling down on us okay!:) Love & Miss You...xoxo
Grandma Finkbeiner

Merry Christmas Qynn....

The snow is falling in Northern Michigan, and it is a sunny day here in Florida.  Your Mom and Dad are enjoying Christmas with Josh, Michelle, Jamis, and Iris, but your presence is greatly missed.  Paeton will join them soon, so the day will be complete.  New pictures show Paeton is going to look a lot like her mommy.  These are all precious moments that would be wonderful to share with you, but God had other plans for you.  Sooooooo here is hoping that you can tell how festive the day is, how happy Paeton, Jamis, and Iris are, and how much you are missed.  You are and always will be our own special star in the sky.  Shine brightly my granddaughter, you are loved much and deeply missed.

Sweety, I miss you so much, not a day goes by that I don't think about you and your beautiful smile. Paeton's is looking more and more like you every day.I wish I could say that this day has gotten easier, but it hasn't, it's still the worst day of my life, then and now. Your mom has been my rock, she's the only thing that has gotten me through it.Her and I talk about you all the time trying to relive the moments when you were still with us. I know it's not the same as when you were with us, but it will have to do until we can join you in heaven. I LOVE YOU!
Well baby girl tomorrow will be 4 years and it seem like yesturday can't say that it has gotten easier.  People keep telling us that time heals all pain, I think that is bull.  Paeton is doing good, love school. She looks so much like you. I feel so bad honey I haven't been able to dream about you, I see you when you were little in my mind and I remember all the joy I felt when I watch you trying to be like you big brother and how mad you would get at him (and him at you) I can remember the fun you had with your friends and your big smile. I can remember all the love you had to share, but, I just want to be able to see your face.  Your dad dreams about you all the time, God Qynnie he misses you so much.  Christine got married last month and she looked so beautiful and that was the hardest thing we had to do,  Your dad knows that he will never get that chance to walk his little girl down the ail or me to help you pick out that perfect dress.  I still do not know why God needed you so young, but, I guess I will get my answers when the all mighty calls me home.  For now I will remember my little pebbles and all the late night talks we would have and even the fights we would get into.  But most of all I will remember your wonderful smile and the joy brought into your dad and mines life.
I love you 
Grandma Finkbeiner

Time passes with not a lot said, but what is felt in the heart and what is in our thoughts keep memories alive.  I am having one of "my moments" when the reality of loss is very real.  Although it is a sad feeling, I remember how happy we all were when you came into our lives.  You were such a pretty little girl.  How sad that you will not experience the growing years of Paeton.  Somehow I do believe you will always be a part of her life.  Her little girl curiousity is full of questions, and your Mom and Dad are wonderful about giving the best answers they can.  Your part in all of this is to watch over her and help keep her safe.  Heavan is a mysterious place and I only hope you can tell how much you are missed and loved.  I believe (like your Mom) that you are a special star and will shine forever.   Peace be with you Qynn.  I love you.


Grandma Finkbeiner   

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