Qynn Marie Scott - Online Memorial Website

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Qynn Scott
Born in Michigan
20 years
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Alyssa Parker

Qynn and I have been friends since we were in 3rd grade. We were in Mr. Blakes mixed 2nd & 3rd Grade class. Oh what fun we had when we were young. Swimming on her beach when it was freezing and Josh would shake his head at us. Her family became my family and mine hers. As we got older, Qynn grew into her own person. Never caring what others thought and doing things her own way. She had her own style that fit her to a T. A style that no one else could ever have. She was unique and loved to have fun. As we reached our Junior year of high school, Qynn was my Prom Date and the Princess of the Prom. When we reached our final year Qynn & I would skip Chemistry to make Matt Pender a birthday cake and to run to family dollar to buy him a "Player" ring and some birthday hats to wear around the halls. The end of our senior year brought our Class party that Qynn so nicly held for us at her camp. It was so much fun! She always knew how to have a good time and spread her good times about. After we graduated we all spent the summer together causing trouble and just having fun. When we went off to college Qynn and I didn't get to see each other very much, but we still tried to keep in touch. I feel so bad that I could always be there for her like I was in high school. I missed her so much and everytime i would get ot visit her and her family was such a great time. I will never forget her. She loved her family, her life and she loved to have fun. I will never forget you Qynnie! You were always there for me. Never judging, just listening and trying to help. You always had the most fun wherever we would go. You were such a great mother, daughter, sister and of course friend. You will always be in my heart and our memories with me wherever I go. I Love & Miss You So Much! You were my best friend and always will be. I Love You Qynnie  <3

Rachael Wilber
Qynn and I never talked a whole lot, but she was one of my role models through high school, whether she (or anyone) knew it at all. God, she was a beautiful person. I loved that she could be different and go against the grain. Honest to god, if you asked me in 7th or 8th grade who I wanted to be, it was Qynn. She was so sweet, I really wish I had gotten to know her better.... Rest in peace, Qynn. We all miss you....
Allison Coss

The first time I met Qynn was in 6th grade at Camp Nesbit. We were friends ever since. We hung out all the time in our High School days. I share so many memories with her that I dont even know where to start. All I know is that every memory that I have with Qynn is great. She was such a great person. Her smile would light up any room she walked in. There was only one bad thing about us hanging out...we both were terrible with directions. Every where we went, we got lost. I remember the time Qynn and I stole my sisters car and took off to Carney Nadeu. Yes we got lost, but eventually we made it and we had a blast. I have so many good memories to thank Qynn for. She was an amazing friend. I miss her with all my heart, and  I will NEVER forget her. Paeton is a very lucky to girl to have such a great mother!!

Christine Marie Badgero

Qynn and I had been friends since we were 13-14 years old...for many years we were inseperable! As we did grow appart we still did so many thing together... of all the memories i have one will always stand out in my mind...I was the one who spent the last few pregnant hours with qynn, i can still picture us driving to the hospital to this day, it was a snow morning, and all we did was talk about all of the memories that we had, had over the years... and how scared she was of the pain of giving birth, and one question that i laugh about til this day is she asked me if it was going to hurt... i looked at her with a smile and said ummm yeah! but then again how would i know ive never had a baby! we just laughed about it~! i spent so much time with qynn when she was pregnant with paeton, i spent the first night with her and her amazing daughter in the hospital it is one experince with qynn that i will never forget... i wish everyone else could have been there! I LOVE YOU QYNN MARIE SCOTT! With love one of your best friends, Christine Marie Badgero

P.S. Paeton your mom was and always will be an amazing woman!

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